Merrick Classic PUPPY Real Chicken, Brown Rice and Green Pea 6/5#


Dogs thrive on quality protein and healthy fats, which is why the Merrick Classic Puppy Real Chicken with Brown Rice & Green Pea Dry Dog Food is made with high-quality protein, whole grains, vegetables and fruits to provide a natural dog food formula rich in nutrients to support the overall health of your puppy.

Dogs thrive on quality protein and healthy fats, which is why the Merrick Classic Puppy Real Chicken with Brown Rice & Green Pea Dry Dog Food is made with high-quality protein, whole grains, vegetables and fruits to provide a natural dog food formula rich in nutrients to support the overall health of your puppy. Merrick starts with real and wholesome USDA-inspected deboned chicken as the first ingredient with amino acids necessary for building muscle and a healthy metabolism. Our protein rich MERRICK PUPPY RECIPE is balanced with 60% poultry and fish proteins 20% fresh produce and 20% whole grains ingredients. This food revolution in the dog bowl yields 30% protein for each meal.


Please contact us for current pricing and availability.